
This page contains election information for annual HOA elections taking place in association with meetings held on the first Thursday of November annually.

2024 Election – online voting:

Click this link to your 2024 online ballot

For candidate statements please see the ballot or the Oct. 2024 Newsletter.

2023 Election Results:

The HOA successfully completed the November election, filling a position opening on the Board of Directors. Thank you to all who participated, and a special Thank You to the Election Committee, for helping us achieve a successful election. The results are as follows:

Total number of votes required to constitute a quorum (25% of 410): 103. Total votes cast (duplicate votes removed): 116.

Steve Krogue8956100
Donald Trump1001
no HOA1001
Trent Mayes0011

2022 Election Results

For the initial election in November 2022, one position on the Board was open for election. There were not enough votes placed to meet the 25% quorum requirement required by the CCRs. Thus, the election was performed again in February 2023. That election saw a much increased turnout. The election had the following results:
Total number of lots eligible to vote: 410
Total number of votes required to constitute a quorum (25%): 103
Total number of valid votes received (duplicate votes removed): 165
Votes for: David Krajewski: 87 Angela Hummer: 69 Wendie Radford: 1
Tommy Thompson: 1 Brent Koburn: 1 Abstain: 6

2021 Election Results

With 350 lots in the neighborhood, 88 votes were required to exceed the 25% threshold as defined in the CCRs (section 4.6.e). Tyson Williams won the election for the open position on the board, with 96 votes in favor and 8 abstaining. On the question of neighborhood entrance maintenance, Option B: “Explore options for turning over the entrances” won, with 71 votes to 32 for Option A, with one voter abstaining. As a result, the Board of Directors will form a committee to explore options for maintenance of the neighborhood entrances.

2020 Election Results

Total Ballots Received: 109

Total Lots in HOA: 333

25% HOA Membership Threshold: 84

Votes for Kellen Giraud: 100

Votes for Jeremiah Lilly: 103

Votes for Tyson Williams: 97

Summary: A new Board of Directors for the HOA was elected and Kellen Giraud, Jeremiah Lilly, and Tyson Williams became the new Board of Directors effective November 5, 2020.